Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Arduino ISP

*** UPDATE ***
I mistakenly added the wrong 2x3 header. It's not a 0.1" spacing. I've corrected it and added a few LED's that you can wire up as per the Arduino ISP sketch. look for v0.2 on the board.

Completed, write up here.

For programing tiny 85 and 84 with Arduino, read the high low tech article it'll get you there fast.

Most people I imagine start with playing with AVRs via the Arduino community. Unfortunately moving from your easy to use Arduino to a bare chip isn't easy. It requires a programmer, and those can be as little as a couple of dollars on ebay for a usbtinyisp or avrisp clone. I have a nifty Arduino with breadboard mounted on a piece of Plexiglas that is great for attiny development, especially using attiny85's since the Arduino has power, and I can use it as programmer. Most starter kits come with similar setups, so alot of people have them. It's a pain to setup, and the more wires the more chances to fail miserably. and disconnecting to rapidly test is a little painful.

For the chip side of things I've ordered a few pixie85's and pixie2313 boards. so I'll have the ICSP header broken out. Adafruit has a ICSP breadboard adapter and a 6" 2x3 idc cable... for all of 3 bucks for the set. You'll need some thing similar.

Scouring the internet the solution to my woes seemed to hack a 6 pin IDC cable to use the arduinoISP and an ICSP connector. Sound good but still one of those what pins do I use moment. Adding to the complexity the UNO requires you to disable the auto reset for the serial. This requires a 10uf cap between reset and gnd. Way too much to remember every time. 

The solution is obviously a shield. Unfortunately all the ones I've found already designed are for chip sockets. and we fairly expensive for what i wanted, a cheep, easy to setup programmer board that I could give away.

So the next installment in PCB Design is the ArduinoISP header shield. The LED's are optional, they hook up with wire from "D7-D9" on the back of the board. That gives activity, error, and heartbeat. It didn't add to the price so why not. Also it the cutout on the right so that pin 9 should be exposed.

These are being ordered next week some time. So figure at the end of september I should have them tested.

A simple square inch design that straddles the arduino. I finished the design today. for the uno you need a cap. older boards might need a 120 ohm resistor, though the cap might work too.

It's a bout 5 bucks for the 3 boards. Cheap enough to give away at parties.

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