Friday, August 28, 2015

Eagle Cad Files to Dip Trace

I've fallen in love with Dip Trace. I find it so much faster to use. Unfortunately Eagle is the standard, so I still have to have it installed. I find myself wishing to edit designs that are in Eagle in Dip Trace because Dip Trace is intuitive, and it spits out Gerbers and NC Drills without any setup. There is hope.

Dip Trace comes with a couple of Eagle ULPs that will Convert eagle files to Dip Trace ASCII files that can be imported. I'm looking for a new ICSP that uses 6 pins. but all the sleek ones use the 10 pin headers, or are huge. So A trip to OSH Park and a search for ICSP and we find µUSBasp. the download link is an Eagle file so grap it, and load it into Eagle...

In the file menu there is a "Run ULP..." Item click on it.

Next an open file box opens, find the Dip Trace install folder. Mine was in C:\Program Files (x86)\
in there is a Utils folder. Open that and run Eagle_to_DipTrace_PCB.ulp

Next is a save file dialog. Save the file with a .asc extention. YOU NEED TO USE .asc AT THE END OF THE FILE NAME. not doing so will cause DipTrace to not see the file, so you have to find in in Explorer and rename it. 

Notice the little finish message at the bottom. That's it no frills. 

in a new Dip Trace PCB file, go into the file menu select import and Select DipTrace ASCII. Find your .asc file and open it.

Notice there isn't all the fanciness. board outline is broken, and all the text is missing. The labels are huge. Clean up takes only a few minutes. I generally hide the labels so I'm not concerned, I have the file and schematics so part ID's aren't needed. Everything is in it's place.

Just one more reason to love DipTrace, 

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